

Spirulina (Arthrospira): An Important Source of Nutritional and Medicinal Compounds Imagine a thing that can nourish your body by providing most of the protein you need to live, help prevent the annoying sniffling and sneezing of allergies, reinforce your immune system, help you control high blood pressure and cholesterol, and help protect you from cancer. Does

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What Is Ginseng?   Ginseng is an herbal plant found in North America and eastern Asia. There are many different types of ginseng, such as American, Korean red ginseng, Indian ginseng, and Siberian gingseng.   American ginseng is a very popular variety. American ginseng is known for its stimulant properties and is used in traditional

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Green Tea

Although tea drinking has been associated with health benefits for centuries, only in recent years have its medicinal properties been investigated scientifically. One must recognize the healthy power of tea while getting the most out of their cups. For years different cultures have touted the health benefits of tea, and more specifically, the health benefits

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